Thursday, April 7, 2011


I operate RST out of a member supported tech office space in Singapore called Hackerspace.  You can look it up on  This afternoon there was a knock on the door in the Singapore hackerspace. There was a woman, japanese, speaking carefully enunciated but broken english.  I wasn't sure what she wanted, but she appeared to have some sincere
needs.  She mentioned the word 'job', yet she had a minimum of the things you would imagine someone
looking for a job would carry, like a CV.  Yet as an entrepreneur, I'm conditioned to despise gatekeepers,
especially the box-checking kind, so despite my cautious door-answering instincts, I decided I would try being as
un-gatekeepy as possible.  I imagined maybe she was supposed to meet someone in hackerspace, or just to hang out
here or get a tour.  But then at one point she said emphatically, with a very serious face, "I'm looking for
a job".  So I asked her for her card, told her I would put it up on the bulletin board, and if I or anyone I heard
around was looking for artists, I would mention her card.  Well yesterday I had heard a couple folks from
another in-house company talking about artwork, so i queried one of them elliptically asking if they knew any
company looking for an artist.  And surprise surprise,  their own company was looking for artists right now. 
So either the girl was responding to an ad of theirs, or Lady Serendipity was working overtime.  The guy I was
querying bolted upright and immediately sought her card that I put on the bulletin board.
Whether or not she's competent for the job at hand, she's got the best chance someone could hope for to be
considered for it.  I feel good.  

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